John, a journalist of nearly five decades, is a perpetual wanderer of the planet, observing in ceaseless wonder his fellow inhabitants and this place we call home. He is a conservationist and a teller of stories of his upbringing in the Maine woods and subsequent travels around the planet. He writes and speaks mainly about the outdoors, about collisions between water and the needs of his fellow electricity addicts, and sometimes about spiders.
- North American Nature Photography Association
- National Society of Newspaper Columnists
- Society of Environmental Journalists
- (Chesapeake) Bay Journal News Service
- EcoWatch
- Gettysburg (Pa) Times
- Gettysburg Companion
- USA Today Magazine
- Central Pennsylvania Life magazine
- Bangor (Maine) Daily News
- Maine Mountain Digest
- Navy LIFELINE magazine
- “John’s Outdoor Notes,” WBZY Radio
- AP Best Column
- AP Public Service
- Keystone Best Column